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Project | 01

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Project | SIITAg

To address agricultural productivity under the frame of an environmentally friendly farming concept and considering the existing fertilization regulations, SIITAg provides an intelligent system called ANA (Agricultural Nutrient Assistant) that helps users to make better and faster fertilization decision. ANA combines satellite data and ground truth observations coming from smartphone cameras to provide plant need-based fertilization map, which shows the current nutrient uptake and the nutrient demand, expressed it in kg/ha. This is easy to understand and much more actionable in comparison to vegetation index values like NDVI.


Project | 02

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Project | FabSpace 2.0

FabSpace 2.0 is a project funded by the EU in the field of open-innovation network for Geo-data driven innovation by leveraging space data in particular in Universities 2.0, managed by Cesah GmbH (ESA Business Incubation Centre) & TU-Darmstadt (Institut für Geodäsie). The project will provide a new free-access service and place (Fab Lab) dedicated to collaborative data-driven innovation in 6 European universities.

Project Manager FabSpace 2.0

Founder FabSpace-Bangladesh

Project | 03

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Project | GRAS – Global Risk Assessment Services

GRAS provides latest and comprehensive information on biodiversity, carbon stock, land use change (LUC) and social indices. The tool is tailored to sustainability requirements set by authorities, commercial customers and NGOs’. GRAS covers the sustainability criteria set up by the European Commission in the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) and sustainability requirements of individual companies and associations in the food, feed and chemical sector.

Project | 04

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Project | LUCCi

The research project “Land use and climate change interactions in Central Vietnam”  with a project period of five years (July 2010 to July 2015) aims at providing a scientific basis to develop optimized land use and water resources management strategies. To develop such strategies, interdisciplinary research methods are applied which consider both natural and social science approaches.

Project | 05

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Project | Ecotourism potential in al Fayoum

This report focuses mainly on the question, if Fayoum Oasis in Egypt is suitable for ecotourism. A group of students of the Institute for Technology in the Tropics (ITT) of the Fh Köln and students of the University in Cairo visited Fayoum to do intensive research on the spot.

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